Peculiarities of the implementation of the authorization and control function of the National Police in the sphere of firearms circulation in the conditions of martial law

Stanislava Mуroniuk

Mуroniuk S. (2022), Peculiarities of the implementation of the authorization and control function of the National Police in the sphere of firearms circulation in the conditions of martial law, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 28-34

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-28-34


ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the implementation of the authorization and control function of the national police in the sphere of firearms circulation in the conditions of martial law. In particular, it clarified various forms of police activity in the field of firearms circulation, the state and prospects of their regulatory definition; the legal grounds for the circulation of firearms in the conditions of martial law are defined, taking into account the existing and prospective legislation; the peculiarities of police control over the circulation of firearms in the conditions of martial law are determined.

It has been proven that the legalization of the right to own civilian firearms should be implemented in the presence of clear legal regulations and the practice of observing key principles: ensuring the legal circulation of firearms and strict control over their sale in specialized licensed trade establishments; creation and maintenance of, including protection of, a unified register of firearms; maximum identification of the owners of such weapons; exclusion of formal procedures for obtaining a permit for weapons; creating opportunities for training gun owners and providing relevant documents that confirm the high level of such knowledge and skills; proper control over compliance with the conditions and rules of storage, transportation and use of such hunting weapons; introduction of the procedure for stopping and revoking weapons permits; the use of electronic resources, in particular the «Diya» mobile application, to inform gun owners about the need to extend the validity period of weapons permits, draw up insurance contracts, carry out periodic inspection or shooting of weapons, etc.

Keywords: firearms, National Police, authorization and control functions of the National Police, regulatory support.


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