Legal regulation of official and labor relations of police officers of the USSR in the 1920s

Oleksandr Havrylenko, Stanislav Vasyliev

Havrylenko O., Vasyliev S. (2022), Legal regulation of official and labor relations of police officers of the USSR in the 1920s, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 42-49

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-42-49


ABSTRACT. The scientific article is devoted to the peculiarities of the legal regulation of labor relations of police officers in the USSR in the 1920s. The laws and regulations in force in the 1920s, archival documents were the source of research. The works of Soviet and modern scientists about the Soviet Ukrainian police activities in this historical period were studied. The requirements for candidates for police service were established. The specifics of recruitment, passage, and dismissal from the police of the USSR were determined.

Candidates for police service were required to exercise their right to vote, reach the age of 21, have an educational level, knowledge of state and minority languages, and health. The recruitment of previously convicted persons and citizens deprived of the right to vote to the police was limited. Recruitment to the police could be carried out either by local police departments or by departments of local labor councils.

It was established that the conditions of service in the police were regulated by the Rules of Service in the Workers’ and Peasants’ Police and Criminal Investigation of the USSR in 1923 and the Model Collective Agreement between the NKVD Main Directorate of the USSR and the Commissioner of the Union of Soviet Administrative Workers in Ukraine in 1924. The norms of the collective agreement met the requirements of the Labor Code of the USSR of 1922. From the second half of the 1920s, the labor relations of Soviet policemen were regulated by labor legislation, with certain exceptions due to the specifics of service in the police.

It is concluded that the employment relations of police officers in the 20s of the twentieth century were regulated by the rules of various branches of law: military, labor, or special regulations that determine the legal status of police officers. The norms of various legislative acts often contradicted each other.

Keywords: police officer, service-labor relations, service.


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