Historical and legal foundations of the formation of public authorities of cities in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union

Bohdan Kalynovskyi, Daryna Radomska

Kalynovskyi B., Radomska D. (2022), Historical and legal foundations of the formation of public authorities of cities in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 50-60

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-50-60


ABSTRACT. The article describes the historical and legal foundations of the formation of public authorities of cities in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union. Public authorities of cities in Ukraine, the structure of the EU regional policy implementation mechanism was investigated.

For a comprehensive analysis and understanding of the constitutional and legal regulation of certain legal relations, research is necessary, including the historical aspect. Therefore, in order to understand how the legal regulation of the formation of public authorities of cities in Ukraine is implemented and to find ways to improve it, it is necessary to clarify the historical and legal foundations of the formation of public authorities of cities in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union. The authors emphasize a certain historical progressive tradition that has developed in the Ukrainian lands for a long time, this is the tradition of local self-government. They write about it that in Ukraine it reaches its roots back centuries, to the rural and urban territorial communities of the ancient Slavs.

Based on the conducted research, the authors came to the conclusion that:

1. The historical and legal foundations of the formation of public authorities of cities in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union have both common and distinctive features, since the history of each individual country is individual, and, accordingly, customs, traditions, and mentality. 2. The period of introduction of magdeburg law in the cities of Europe and Ukraine, and the period after the declaration of independence of Ukraine, when our state introduced a democratic system of exercising power and implementing local self-government, are common. 3. The period of the Cossack era and the Soviet regime is distinctive, if the first is characterized by progressiveness and a certain degree of democracy, then the second is characterized by the centralization of state power, totalitarianism, which caused modern Ukraine a number of difficulties in the process of building a democratic, independent, social, legal state.

Keywords: local self-government, magdeburg law, local public authority, bodies of public authority, bodies of local self-government.


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