Administrative and legal aspects of establishing paternity: new perspectives


OPATSKY R. (2022), Administrative and legal aspects of establishing paternity: new perspectives, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 157-161

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-157-161


ABSTRACT. . The article is devoted to the problems of establishing paternity, considering new trends in society and reducing the cost of conducting a DNA examination. As an innovation, it is proposed to introduce a presumption of the consent of both parents for carrying out a genetic examination. The right to refuse one of the parents carries certain negative consequences for him.

In order to solve the problems of establishing paternity, preventing «false paternity» and, as one of the levers, preserving the family, we would like to propose a new mechanism for introduction, which provides, with the written consent of both parents, to carry out a mandatory DNA test to establish paternity in the maternity hospital.

When a husband submits a written refusal to conduct a DNA examination to establish biological paternity, it deprives him of the right to challenge the fact of biological paternity in the future, in case of divorce. The consequence of the refusal will be an unappealable recognition of paternity and the obligation, in the event of such a situation, to pay alimony.

In the case of a woman’s refusal, the right to apply for alimony in the future, in the event of unforeseen circumstances (divorce), will be denied.

The author advocates the importance of such changes that will result: increasing the importance and value of the institution of marriage and family; increasing the level of father’s responsibility for children due to confidence in blood kinship; the introduction of the genetic material collection system in the maternity hospital will eventually lead to the formation of a corresponding full-fledged database. Such an informative base will be useful both to the entire society and to the law enforcement system when identifying the identity of unidentified corpses.

Keywords: child, parents, marriage, family, DNA expertise, paternity.


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