Jurisdictional immunities of states in the context of compensation paid by russia for the damage caused in Ukraine as a result of its armed aggression


MEDVEDIEVA M. (2023), Jurisdictional immunities of states in the context of compensation paid by russia for the damage caused in Ukraine as a result of its armed aggression, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs 2023, №1, 44-52


ABSTRACT. The article analyzes the means of compensation by Russia for the damage caused in Ukraine as a result of its armed aggression, their problematic and positive features, taking into account the norms of international law regarding the jurisdictional immunities of states and their property. The author considers such means in the context of jurisdictional immunities of russia, as administrative procedures created in Ukraine (with the help of Ukrainian state funds); legal proceedings in Ukrainian and foreign courts; decisions of international courts and arbitral tribunals; international compensation commission. The author offers various options for overcoming russia’s jurisdictional immunities.

The author makes an analysis of the problem referring to national and foreign national legislation, international conventions, decisions of Ukrainian and foreign courts as well as the judgments of international courts such as the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.

The article concludes that it is of paramount importance to introduce into the legislation of Ukraine restrictions on the jurisdictional immunities of foreign countries if they cause damage to individuals, legal entities, the state, in particular as a result of aggression, and at the same time, through diplomatic channels, to seek the introduction of similar norms into the law of other countries. The author upholds the idea to set up a special compensation commission on the basis of an international treaty, where a ‘tort exception’ must be ensured.

The article assumes that changes to national legislation and new judicial practice of various states gradually become proof of the existence of a norm of customary international law, which allows limiting the jurisdictional immunities of states and their property in the event of harm caused during armed conflicts.

Key words: jurisdictional immunities, immunity of state property, aggression, international law, damage, armed conflict.


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