Current approaches to understanding the tools of public administration


PRYMAKOV K. (2022), Current approaches to understanding the tools of public administration, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 188-193

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-188-193


ABSTRACT. The article reveals the main approaches to understanding the content and essence of the tools of public administration in the conditions of European integration. Different definitions of «forms of activity of public administration» and «tools of activity of public administration» are given. The author’s definition is formulated that the tools of public administration are the external manifestation of groups of administrative and legal actions of public administration that are uniform in their nature and content, which are implemented in the form defined in legislation, within the limits of the powers of the relevant subjects, according to the established procedure in order to implement tasks and functions of public administration, ensuring the rights, freedoms and interests of individuals in the field of public-legal relations. Clarification of the issue of the ratio of «forms» and «tools» of public administration activity. Attention is drawn to the fact that in the classical doctrine of administrative law, the concept of «forms» of activity of public administration, which was transformed from forms of state administration, remains widespread.

It has been noted that along with the classical doctrine of distribution, scientific positions are gaining the expediency of using the concept of «tools of public administration activity» instead of the concept of «forms». It is concluded that the use of the term «form» of activity of public administration is such that it has exhausted itself, as it does not correspond to modern teaching and legal regulation regarding the activity of public administration. Attention has been drawn to the fact that the change in terminology, the existence of various concepts reflecting the activity of public administration is due to the desire to adapt the system and mechanisms of state administration to European standards. From this point of view, there is currently an update and rethinking of the conceptual-categorical apparatus, changes in the organizational and legal activities of the public administration, due to the European integration of our state. Therefore, the use of outdated or unbalanced approaches to understanding the essence and content of public administration activities require both theoretical elaboration and, in the future, improvement of regulatory and legal regulation.

Keywords: forms of state administration, forms of administrative and legal regulation, tools of public administration, administrative contract, classification of forms, plans, individual acts, legal and non-legal forms.


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