Cooperation of territorial communities in the provision of administrative services


TYSHCHENKOVA I. (2022), Cooperation of territorial communities in the provision of administrative services, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 202-206

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-202-206


ABSTRACT. An important role in building Ukraine as a social, legal, democratic state belongs to the introduction of decentralization reform, which determines the relevant processes of development of the institution of a united territorial community as the primary subject of local selfgovernment. The creation of united territorial communities became the basis for the formation of a favorable living environment necessary for the full development of man, his self-realization and protection of rights.

Decentralization of the service delivery system is one of the urgent directions of reforms in modern Ukraine. With the emergence of such an institution as a united territorial community, favorable living conditions are created, important areas for the comprehensive development of society and the realization of man as a person, etc. are formed. In other words, the introduction of the reform of decentralization of power, which determines the relevant processes of development of the institution of a united territorial community as the primary subject of local self-government has a positive impact.

Today, united territorial communities are endowed with sufficient rights and have all the necessary powers to provide citizens with certain administrative services. But there are such ambiguous and individual cases when it is impossible to fully collect all the necessary documents at the place of providing such a service, or to take action without the involvement of additional sources. In this case, the communities’ own cooperation in the field of administrative services is manifested.

The introduction of cooperation in the activities of united territorial communities is relevant, as it provides an opportunity to focus on the needs of citizens and improve the conditions for ensuring proper, and most importantly – rapid realization of citizens’ rights and interests protected by law.

The urgency of the issue of providing administrative services in the context of decentralization is currently quite relevant and discussed among both scholars and practitioners. It is very important to study the institution of cooperation during the mechanism of providing administrative services, its adjustment, improvement, simplification and acceleration.

Keywords: united territorial community, decentralization, administrative services, community cooperation.


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