Features of rational land use in the conditions of land trading


LOHINOVA M. (2022), Features of rational land use in the conditions of land trading, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 207-213

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-207-213


ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the analysis of rational land use, as well as the determination of its features during land sales or auctions. The procedure for organizing and participating in land auctions is highlighted. Conducted analysis of electronic auctions. The essence of conducting land auctions is revealed and the importance of its observance as one of the elements of land protection provided for by the current land legislation is determined.

Even in such a difficult time, the intensive development of the land rental market does not remain unnoticed by the state. In proportion to this, auctions for the sale of ownership rights to land plots, as well as their leases, receive more coverage, taking into account this, the article analyzed land auctions as a way to eliminate the corruption component. Today, land auctions have become more transparent and open than before, at present, every person who makes appropriate contributions can become a participant in such auctions. They are beneficial not only for individuals who own land, but also for businesses. The specified point was highlighted in the article, taking into account the peculiarities of conducting auctions, which are provided for by the legislator and must be strictly observed by absolutely all auction participants.

Rational use is a mandatory condition that must be observed by the person who disposes of the land plot before land auctions and before its transfer to a new user or owner. The auction participant, after concluding the agreement, assumes the specified obligation, which will be discussed in the article. Features of rational use are highlighted both from the position of the participant and from the position of the auction organizer. Rational use involves achieving a balance between ecological requirements and the efficiency of land use. The article analyzes the important points of modern land use with their general characteristics during the auction.

Keywords: land auction, land plot, rational land use, state property, communal property, registration fee, guarantee fee, moratorium.


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