Impact of professional deformation on the work of custodial settings staff of the State Criminal-executive Service of Ukraine


BOHATYROV A., KOLODCHIN D. (2022), Impact of professional deformation on the work of custodial settings staff of the State Criminal-executive Service of Ukraine, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 214-219

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-214-219


ABSTRACT. The article reveals the impact of professional deformation on the work of staff custodial settings of the State Criminal-executive Service of Ukraine, namely: lack of proper motivation to perform operational and service tasks; features of the microenvironment in which to operate; psycho-emotional tension; lack of proper social and legal protection, etc.

The importance of legal awareness and morality for the implementation of operational and official activities, correction and resocialization of convicts is justified. It has been proven that professionally deformed staff custodial settings of the State Criminal-executive Service know legal and moral norms, but subjectively and arbitrarily fulfill them, justifying their actions with various circumstances related to the specifics of the psychology and behavior of convicts.

It has been proven that the professional deformation of custodial settings staff of the State Criminal-executive Service of Ukraine should be considered as specific working conditions, since they are closely related to the influence of extremely unfavorable factors, namely: inadequate professional attitudes; proactive formation of labor skills and skills in terms of professionally significant personality qualities; psychological overload; constant negative influence on the part of convicts; extremity; sustained emotional tension; lack of positive reinforcement; a small prestige of the profession and a lack of understanding of the importance of work on the part of society.

It is noted that psycho-emotional tension plays a great importance for working with convicts in custodial settings of the SCES of Ukraine, which significantly affects the emergence of professional deformation among of custodial settings staff of the SCES of Ukraine, especially this was manifested in martial law in Ukraine after February 24, 2022.

So, the professional deformation of custodial settings staff of the SCES considered as the point of view of the legal reality embodiment, saturated with socio-psychological, moral phenomena. This is the psychology of communities and groups, and the psychology of a person living and acting in a certain group, and the system of its relationship with law. Therefore, most of the problems of professional deformation of custodial settings staff of the SCES of Ukraine are connected precisely with penal activities, since most of the working time is spent in special conditions of service, and therefore it must be solved by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, as the successor of the SCES of Ukraine only in the aggregate of its legal and psychological and pedagogical support.

In the process of professionalization, the custodial settings staff of the SCES of Ukraine acquires not only specific skills, but also accepts values, views, rules of conduct characteristic of carriers, distinguishing them from the rest of society into a certain corporate group. Gradually, professional activity more and more absorbs the personality of custodial settings staff, and therefore over time there comes a moment of non-return, when the person is no longer able to separate himself from the profession, the view of the world is carried out exclusively through its prism, and identifying with it becomes one of the most important steps in the process of self-determination of the person.

The above makes it possible to draw the following conclusions: first, the professional deformation of custodial settings staff of the SCES of Ukraine is interdependent with working conditions in the penitentiary system. Secondly, in order to prevent this negative phenomenon, it is necessary to annually improve the systems of training, education and advanced training, to form a sense of security, confidence in the usefulness and fairness of their work.

Keywords: staff, custodial setting, professional deformation, determinants, psychological overload.


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