Legal regulation of the work of persons sentenced to imprisonment in penitentiary institutions in Spain

Yurii OREL

OREL Y. (2022), Legal regulation of the work of persons sentenced to imprisonment in penitentiary institutions in Spain, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 226-241

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-226-241


ABSTRACT. The article carries out a legal analysis and highlights the issue of involvement in socially useful work of convicts who are serving a sentence of imprisonment for a certain period in Spanish penitentiaries. The opinions of Spanish scientists who studied this issue were analyzed from the point of view of the role, place and importance of work in the lives of convicts, during their sentence, judicial practice, as well as Spanish penitentiary legislation and international legal acts operating in this area.

It has been determined that in the Spanish penitentiary legislation, work is considered as a right and a duty of the convict. At the same time, work is considered in a broad sense and is divided into productive and non-productive. In turn, non-productive, along with training and vocational education, can include other types of socially useful activities that can be carried out in a penitentiary institution taking into account its regime, without harming its normal activity, the safety of personnel and convicts, and the implementation of necessary measures for orderly life in the institution.

It has been found that work is considered as a fundamental element of the process of serving the sentence and is carried out with the aim of re-education and social reintegration of the convict, preparing them for life in freedom. The process of its implementation is built with the participation of a specially created state body of public law, which acts as an employer and was created for the purpose of promoting, organizing and monitoring productive work and professional training of convicts in penitentiary institutions. It has been emphasized that the convict’s right to work depends on the material and budgetary capabilities of the penitentiary institution.

It has been established that the convict’s refusal to study and perform productive work is not considered a misdemeanor and does not entail responsibility.

Keywords: convicts sentenced to imprisonment, obligation to work, re-education, right to work, work of convicts, forced labor, social reintegration.


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