Inspection as an administrative preventive measure: issues of theory and practice


ZADALIA D. (2022), Inspection as an administrative preventive measure: issues of theory and practice, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 273-280

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-273-280


ABSTRACT. The article discusses the theory and practical problems of the review as an administrative preventive measure. A physical examination is an essential tool law enforcement agencies use to ensure public safety, health, and general welfare. It is used in airports, railway stations, border control, and many other places. Inspections are done manually or with equipment such as radiation, x-rays, and lasers. The people conducting the review have the task of ensuring the safety of everyone around them. The Constitution guarantees the protection of personal rights to everyone who has committed an administrative offense. This protection is provided by various procedures for checking personal property. During a physical examination, law enforcement officers manually check people and their belongings. They may also use equipment such as metal detectors and explosives detectors. This helps government agencies ensure that no dangerous items are brought into the facility. Other methods used during the inspection include a cursory search of people and a manual search of personal belongings. This helps law enforcement agencies detect weapons, bombs, and other dangerous objects that can harm bystanders and personnel.

The article examines the many types of inspections that can be conducted on people and their belongings. It is emphasized that more comprehensive research and improvement of the legislation regarding the procedure and grounds for applying coercive measures are needed. These include customs inspections, inspections by law enforcement agencies, and inspections at airports and penitentiary institutions. The article also discusses scientists’ primary laws and works regarding the reasons for these reviews and the procedure for conducting them. A separate classification of the inspection of a person and his belongings is proposed as a preventive measure according to the specified criteria. It is offered at the legislative level to carry out work on dividing reviews into types, to unify, classify and determine the procedure for conducting studies.

Keywords: inspection, personal inspection, an inspection of a person, an inspection of things, administrative preventive measures, coercive measures, law enforcement agencies.


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