Regarding the issue of the scientific development of the problems of combating the operational units of the criminal police against self-interested and violent crimes


TELIICHUK V., STEPANOV P. (2022), Regarding the issue of the scientific development of the problems of combating the operational units of the criminal police against self-interested and violent crimes, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 327-333

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-327-333


ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the issues of scientific elaboration of the problems of combating the operational units of the criminal police against self-interested and violent crimes and the main directions of their scientific research. The authors draw attention to the fact that an integral condition for the development and formation of democratic standards of the modern Ukrainian state is the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens from illegal encroachments. And success in this largely depends on the efficiency of all law enforcement structures, in particular, criminal police units. It is their function to combat crimes of a general criminal nature, including the prevention and detection of crimes, especially those committed by organized criminal groups and gangs, which also include selfish and violent crimes, primarily such as banditry, robberies, and robberies. The article analyzes the main provisions of modern scientific developments in the fields of criminal law, criminology, criminology, the theory of operative and investigative activity. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that, despite the significant scientific contribution of scientists, today there are issues that require urgent study and delineation of possible ways of their improvement.

It has been proven that today the following remain undefined and undeveloped: issues of normative and legal regulation of combating self-interested and violent crimes; determination of the specifics of the operative-investigative characteristics of self-interested and violent crimes; peculiarities of the organization of operational service of territories by operational units of the National Police of Ukraine regarding the identification and documentation of persons who may commit selfish and violent crimes, etc. Logical conclusions have been drawn.

Keywords: crime, selfish and violent crimes, investigative activity, criminal police, normative and legal regulation, combating crimes.


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