The influence of the level of information and analytical provision of operative and search activities on the efficiency of anti-terrorist measures


OVERCHENKO Y. (2022), The influence of the level of information and analytical provision of operative and search activities on the efficiency of anti-terrorist measures, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 344-349

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-344-349


Анотація. The article highlights the influence of the level of information and analytical support of operative and search activity on the effectiveness of anti-terrorist measures.

It was determined that the effectiveness of operative and search activities depends on the speed with which information is processed, and therefore on how timely a decision will be made to carry out certain measures, especially anti-terrorist ones, because their objects are always in a state of confrontation, conspiring their actions to achieve an illegal result. It is impossible to achieve such a result without the use of information and analytical systems.

It is noted that the introduction of the network-centric principle in the management of the Armed Forces of Ukraine allowed the active use of modern information and analytical systems in countering threats, including terrorist ones, which significantly increased the effectiveness of the Ukrainian army. The network-centric model of warfare is a fully automated system that includes intelligence systems, attack systems, control systems of all headquarters, forming a single informationbattlefield using artificial intelligence and working in real time. As an example of the application of modern information and analytical systems in countering external threats, the situational awareness program Delta, which was recently presented to NATO by Ukrainian experts. Delta provides a comprehensive understanding of the battle space in real time, integrates information about the enemy from various sensors and sources, including intelligence, on a digital map, does not require additional settings and can work on any device.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the security and defense sector of Ukraine today includes, in addition to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, also law enforcement agencies, which requires full integration of all components of the sector into a single information field with the integration of information and analytical databases and systems. The specific qualities of information and analytical systems are defined, which explain the need for their use to ensure the effective implementation of operational and investigative activities.

Keywords: operative and search activities, anti-terrorist activity, anti-terrorist measures, information, analysis, information and analytical support of activity, operative, security and defense sector, efficiency.


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