Assessment of implementation of secure type of tourism – caravaning in Ukraine


MARTSENIUK L., VAKULENKO Y., DAS B. (2022), Assessment of implementation of secure type of tourism – caravaning in Ukraine, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 362-367

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-362-367


ABSTRACT. The article outlines the main motivational factors that motivate people to travel with their families in RVs. Five types of family vacations can be distinguished. The first category, called «enjoying nature,» was an important feature of RV travel. The second category was historical and cultural events. The third category is outdoor recreation. The fourth category is social contact. The last category is ordinary family activities. Thus, family RV tours include a variety of travel activities, including outdoor activities and extreme sports, visiting cultural and historical sites for children to learn, as well as experiences and group activities that the whole family can enjoy.

The advantages of organizing such a family vacation are highlighted. It was noted that from the point of view of health safety, which is an important component of the national security of any country, it is advisable to organize an innovative type of tourism – caravanning, which allows you to avoid unnecessary contact with other people and protect yourself from various infections. The current situation and the possibility of organizing a full-fledged vacation for families wishing to travel in tourist «homes on wheels» were analyzed in the future in Ukraine.

It is noted that the RV travel experience awakens the desire for new personal values, such as: freedom, inner peace, kindness and simplicity.

It was emphasized that traveling on own or rented «motorhomes» is becoming more and more popular in the world, after the coronavirus pandemic, tourists want to have less social contacts, and caravanning itself can contribute to a safe and relatively secluded type of recreation. The authors identified two subcategories of the attractiveness of RVs: the mobility of RVs and their symbolic meaning of «home». First, the mobility of RV travel was emphasized by most travelers. In addition to general factors such as: free and casual travel style, saving energy and time, no check-in/check-out and packing, and unexpected gifts (scenery), convenience.

Keywords: tourism, innovations in tourism, caravaning, tourist houses on wheels.


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