The prosecutor’s office as a professional environment in the political system of society


VOITENKO A. (2022), The prosecutor’s office as a professional environment in the political system of society, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 392-400

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-392-400


ABSTRACT. The author considers the phenomenon of the prosecutor’s office as a professional environment in the context of the functioning of state authorities and the political system of society, taking into account the principle of political neutrality. In particular, it demonstrates the impact of society’s value orientations and personal characteristics of the prosecutor on the professional activities of the prosecutor’s office.

In this context, the prosecutor’s office, being endowed with certain state powers, is obliged to guarantee the rights and freedoms belonging to citizens as individual social subjects and as subjects of social relations, as well as to resolve violations of these rights and freedoms in compliance with legality and the rule of law. Special attention is paid to the discussion of scientists and practitioners regarding the place of the prosecutor’s office in the system of state authorities. The author expresses the opinion that the prosecutor’s office is neither an executive nor a judicial authority, since its activity is an element of the system of checks and balances between the branches of government, which are formed and approved in the state. At the same time, a logically consistent study of the prosecutor’s office as a professional and functional environment (system) is proposed, which should reflect the objective patterns of functioning and development of two more systems with which it is closely interconnected – society and the state mechanism.

The author reproduces the matrix of the relationship of the prosecutor’s office with other components of the state and society as follows: only in the context of national policy in cooperation with other state authorities (as part of the state mechanism) can and should the prosecutor’s office function. After all, this scheme not only indicates the place of the prosecutor’s office in the state and social mechanism, but also determines the main vector of its functional purpose. Despite synchronizing its professional activity with the socio-political context of the state’s life, the prosecutor’s office remains stable and static in defending the state’s interests in court. The prosecutor’s office as a professional environment is not formally included in the political system of society, but it is of significant political interest.

Keywords: state authorities, prosecutor’s office, professional environment, political system, political functions of the prosecutor’s office.


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