The role of trade unions in protecting the rights of police officers


DIACHENKO O. (2022), The role of trade unions in protecting the rights of police officers, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 401-406

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-401-406


ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the disclosure of the role of trade unions in the system of protection of police officers’ rights. The performance of professional duties by a police officer is possible if the latter is confident in his legal protection. The author examines the exercise of one’s rights to protection through the lens of the system of trade unions in the National Police.

The author outlines the role of trade unions through the lens of national legislation. It has been proven that the activity of independent trade unions is a legal, social and economic guarantee of the performance of professional duties by police officers.

It was emphasized that police officers can independently join trade unions, guided by their own convictions, and create them at the level of a territorial unit of the police or a set of certain bodies. Limiting the activities of trade unions, as well as limiting or prohibiting a police officer from joining such a formation, is expressly prohibited by law.

It was established that independent trade unions in the police are an important element of the protection of the rights of police officers, given the limitations of such means. At the same time, the creation of a network of independent professional unions, created on the basis of a voluntary association of police officers, will allow: to contribute to the improvement of the legal framework through its monitoring by independent and at the same time competent subjects; form a personnel policy based on the principle of the appropriate qualification of the police officer, his personal abilities, and not on the instructions of the management; conduct an independent and transparent personnel policy for the selection of candidates for service; to form a personnel reserve; attract qualified specialists to solve specific issues; introduction of the institute of professionalization of managers; introduction of a system of social and psychological protection of personnel of the National Police; minimize corruption risks in the professional activity of a police officer; to ensure the protection of the police officer from the subjective evaluation of his activities by the management; to create a reliable institute for the protection of the police officer’s rights.

Keywords: trade union, policeman, protection, association of citizens, Legal Status.


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