Prospects for defining the conception of «weapons» in national legislation


SHCHERBYNA N. (2022), Prospects for defining the conception of «weapons» in national legislation, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 445-450

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-445-450


ABSTRACT. The article analyzes bills and works of scientists regarding the formulation of the definition of «weapons». It is highlighted that the definition of this conception in national legislation, as well as in judicial practice, is not formed. Based on the elaboration of the bills, it was established that the conception is quite dynamic and has attracted the attention of legislators for the past ten years. During armed aggression by a neighboring state, the issue of passing a law that would regulate the circulation of weapons is quite acute.

The study of legislation on the circulation of civilian weapons, where the legislator tries to clearly identify weapons, revealed that the dynamics of the emergence of such a definition has intensified since 2007. However, at this moment, when there is the armed conflict which comes from the russian federation side, the definition of which in its name has a related root to the concept of «weapons», the Ukrainian legal society remains alone with the difficulties of interpreting such a conception.

The settlement of such a problem is ripe for the top, as the circulation of weapons is gaining momentum throughout the territory of our state. At the same time, questions about the grounds for the legality of weapon ownership are not regulated by law, but only by a by-law, which is unacceptable in modern realities. In addition, taking into account the dynamics of the development of the gunsmithing industry, by-laws are currently unable to properly regulate the issue of circulation of modern weapons.

Therefore, the purpose of the article is to study the issue of the legislative definition of the definition of «weapons» in view of the prospect of settling the issue of weapons circulation in a special law. It is offered to use the definition contained in the Instructions on the use of weapons, military equipment, weapons, ships (boats), planes and helicopters of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, special means and measures of physical influence during the protection of the state border and exclusive (sea) before the adoption of the relevant law of the economic zone of Ukraine, approved by the order of the Administration of the State Border Service of Ukraine dated 10.21.2003 No. 200.

Keywords: weapon, national legislation, bill, weapon circulation, definition.


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