HOLOBUTOVSKYI R. (2022), Administrative and legal provision of state control over humanitarian aid, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Special Issue №1, 19-24

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-5-19-24


ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to clarifying the content and features of state control over humanitarian aid and making proposals for its improvement. The article points out that today there are numerous problems associated with violations of the legislation regulating the procedure for providing and providing humanitarian aid, which in turn actualises the issue of efficiency and systematic state control in this area. An analysis of the state of legal regulation and the activities of public authorities, volunteers, and public associations indicates the need to implement a strict system of state control over humanitarian aid. Attention is drawn to the fact that power, as a management function, is associated with the need to constantly check the results of any activity to promptly eliminate violations of the law and increase the effectiveness of public administration and their officials and officials in one or another area. Types, forms and directions of state control over humanitarian aid are highlighted.

It is concluded that state control over humanitarian aid is characterised by certain shortcomings of organisational and legal regulation, which in general leads to non-targeted and inefficient use of funds, humanitarian aid itself, from the essence of the legislative basis for the implementation of control measures, normative definition of the content of state control over humanitarian aid, it’s subject and object, requirements for performance, as well as imperfection of the introduced forms and methods of power, which in general serve as grounds for abuses in this area. Therefore, an effective mechanism of state control over humanitarian aid should be created. It is justified that the tool of state control over humanitarian aid should be a continuous process of apparent functioning of all subjects of state control based on special legislation, which should determine the subject and object of state control, tasks, procedures for its implementation, types, forms and methods, system subjects who have to implement it with a clear division of powers between them. It is proposed to adopt the Law of Ukraine “On State Control of Humanitarian Aid”.

Keywords: humanitarian aid, state control, public administration bodies, activity, administrative and legal support, mechanism of state control.


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