PAKULOVA T., BIDNIAK H. (2022), Stopping critical bleeding by workers without medical education, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Special Issue № 1, 66-72

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-5-66-72


ABSTRACT. The scientific work focuses on the features of providing pre-medical care to stop critical bleeding by non-medical workers in civilian and military conditions. It is noted that in today’s conditions, even the zones of assistance can change dramatically, and then the provision of pre-medical assistance is carried out depending on the conditional zone of the victim and the rescuer. Effective means of stopping critical bleeding include pressure, a tourniquet, tamponade with a pressed bandage and the specifics of their use. The objection to the use of self-made devices that work like a turnstile is argued.

Based on recommendations from combat medics, instructors, volunteers, CoTCCC, and the Tourniquet Testing Center, names of tourniquets and other devices recommended for stopping critical bleeding are provided. Suggestions for increasing the level of pre-medical training in stopping critical bleeding among non-medical workers are also provided.

Keywords: сritical bleeding, massive bleeding, turnstile, tamponade, immediate workers, medical assistance.


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