Roman MYRONYUK, Michael (Mike) ANTONIV

MYRONYUK R., ANTONIV M. (2022), Features of the administrative and legal status of volunteer organizations in Ukraine and its implementation under the conditions of martial law, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Special Issue № 1, 91-98

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-5-91-98


ABSTRACT. The article analyzes the administrative and legal status of volunteer organizations in Ukraine and highlights the specifics of its implementation under martial law. Peculiarities of the administrative and legal status of volunteer organizations in Ukraine and its implementation in the conditions of martial law are discussed.

It was found that in order to properly implement the administrative and legal status of volunteer organizations in Ukraine, it is advisable to: 1) regulate the registration procedures of volunteer organizations and individual volunteers, and provide the opportunity for individual volunteers to carry out such activities through the “Action” application; 2) define the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine as the central body of the executive power that implements state policy in the field of volunteering; 3) introduce an open register of volunteer organizations and volunteer individuals, whose administrator should be the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine; 4) regulate in the Law “On Volunteering”: the status of “volunteer organization” and “volunteer individuals”; a list of areas of volunteer activity, taking into account its implementation during emergency situations or hostilities; to detail the powers of the authorized central body of the executive power in the field of volunteering; introduce the procedure for concluding contracts on the provision of volunteer assistance during emergency situations or hostilities; determine the mandatory insurance of volunteers; introduce benefits for volunteers during admission to higher education institutions and when hiring; crediting the time of volunteer activity to educational and industrial practice in the case of its implementation in the direction that corresponds to the received specialty; a list of volunteer expenses reimbursements; introduction of the rule “on the inclusion of the activity of an officially registered volunteer – a natural person who performs his volunteer activity for at least 40 hours on a Sunday to the total length of service, as well as the payment of wages with allowances and bonuses for the main place of work and the preservation of this person’s place of work in the period of operation of the regime of martial law or state of emergency”.

Keywords: volunteerism, volunteer organizations, administrative and legal status of volunteer organizations, implementation under martial law.


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