DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-5-253-263


ABSTRACT. The article deals with the studying and comparative analysis of international experience of using software and innovative technologies in the criminal justice sphere in certain countries as well as determining of the key causes of the imbalance between the development tendencies and implementation of such systems in Ukraine; ways and methods of submitting and accessing the information and evidence in electronic criminal justice system.

The significance of this article is evident from the necessity of the comparative analysis of a positive and effective experience of the acting systems of informatization of the criminal justice system of different countries in order to resolve the issue of reforming the criminal justice system of Ukraine by means of creating an information system of pre-trial investigation – electronic criminal justice system in Ukraine with the purpose of improving the modern concept of the electronic component of the criminal justice system in order to realize the fundamental principles of a democratic society such as access to justice as one of the key principles of ensuring legislative rights and freedoms of a person in a democratic state.

This research paper contains the analysis of the experience of the innovative technology functions in the electronic systems of the official bodies of the criminal justice system in the context of reviewing the application of various information programs based on the model and methods of receiving and saving information; performance analysis of the program’s strategic elements; comparison of the complex approach methods to implementing innovative processes of organization, application and control in the electronic criminal proceedings in different countries. Based on the research results, the main areas of focus have been established in order to implement the system of modern and effective electronic criminal proceedings in Ukraine.

Keywords: electronic criminal proceedings, digitalization of the criminal justice system, algorithmization of the electronic criminal proceedings, electronic systems of the bodies of the criminal justice system.


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