Kateryna POKRASA

POKRASA K. (2022), CRIMINAL LAW AND FORENSIC CLASSIFICATION OF CRIMES RELATED TO FIRES; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Special Issue № 1, 303-307

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-5-303-307


ABSTRACT. The article deals with the criminal law and forensic classification of crimes related to fires. It is emphasized that the criminal legislation of Ukraine provides for several types of crimes, in the mechanism of which fire takes place. These are various crimes, the components of which are formulated in different sections of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The category of criminal offenses united from a criminalistics point of view into one group, where the means of commission is arson, is considered.

It was concluded that the considered criminal offenses have something in common and important from a criminalistics point of view: the consequences of fire, the detection of which is the basis for initiating criminal proceedings. This circumstance determines the commonality of certain theoretical provisions and practical recommendations regarding the investigation of these offenses and gives grounds for combining them into a separate homogeneous group from a criminological point of view for the development of the main provisions of the methodology of their investigation.

Keywords: criminal offenses, qualification, investigation, method of committing the crime, fire, arson.


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