CHEPIK-TREHUBENKO O. (2022), INNOVATIVE METHODS OF TRAINING LAWYERS: THEORETICAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Special Issue № 1, 330-336

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-5-330-336


ABSTRACT. The article provides a theoretical and legal analysis of the problems of implementing innovative methods of training lawyers. It is emphasised that the transformation of the political, legal, economic, social, spiritual and cultural components of the modern constitutional system of Ukraine requires current approaches to the education and training of the future generation. Furthermore, considering the high role of lawyers in state-building and law-making, training highly qualified lawyers in domestic institutions of higher education, capable of implementing complex professional and research tasks, requires special attention. It is emphasised that the modern system of Ukrainian higher legal education in new realities needs operational changes and renewal of content at all levels, considering the conditions of education during martial law and in the post-war period. The priority task is to find and implement innovative methods of training lawyers for new social needs and requests. Systematic improvement and improvement of the knowledge and skills of scientific and pedagogical workers are interdependent on the practical implementation of innovative learning technologies.

It is noted that in the conditions of active development and informatisation of all spheres of society, the increasing introduction of information and communication technologies into human life, which undoubtedly also applies to the educational sphere, the availability of information is increasing at an incredible speed. The advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon are emphasised.

It is emphasised that to improve the system of introducing innovative methods and technologies in institutions of higher education, it is essential to ensure the training of qualified specialists in the field of innovation development for implementation in the educational process, taking into account professional specifics, at the national level and the level of individual institutions of higher education. Furthermore, particular attention should be paid to disseminating innovative methods and technologies among higher education institutions, their analysis, and providing feedback on their effectiveness. This direction requires independent research and the attention of legal scholars and other sciences.

Keywords: legal education, lawyers, constitutional system, innovativeness, innovative methods.


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