BAKHCHEVAN Y., POKAICHUK V. (2022), SOME ISSUES OF THE APPLICATION OF SPECIAL MEANS BY THE NATIONAL POLICE UNDER MARTIAL LAW; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Special Issue №2, 96-102

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-96-102


ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to issues related to the peculiarities of the legal regulation of the use of coercive police measures by the police, which are caused by the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. A thorough analysis of the current normative legal acts and the amendments introduced into them, which regulate the activities of the National Police on the legality, effectiveness, necessity and proportionality of the use of special and improvised means, was carried out. Attention is focused on the need to eliminate the internal inconsistency of the current legislation of Ukraine and to bring it into line with the modern realities of the activities of law enforcement officers under martial law, clarifying the text of the novellas with the aim of uniform legal understanding and enforcement.

The essence of the application and use of special and improvised means, among other items provided for in the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”, which contribute to the effective performance of police powers, and which are classified by purpose into preventive and coercive, has been clarified. The need to establish a special status in the law for service animals in police service, as well as to expand the list of special items of tactical medicine that police officers use at the scene to prevent the death of victims, including from the use of special and improvised means, is substantiated.

Keywords: National Police of Ukraine, special means, improvised means, police coercive measures, martial law, service animals, tactical medicine.


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