SHULZHENKO A. (2022), PROBLEMS OF INVESTIGATING RAPES IN DEOCCUPIED TERRITORIES; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Special Issue №2, 114-120

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-114-120


ABSTRACT. The article provides an analysis of the main problems related to the investigation of rapes in the de-occupied territories of Ukraine. Among the problems identified by the author is the multiplicity of subjects of the investigation, among which there is no distribution of powers and coordination of actions. Also, one of the problems that the author drew attention to is the specific method of proof, which is compared with the investigation of crimes of the past years. The peculiarity of the investigation of rapes in the de-occupied territories is the superiority of indirect evidence, which is caused by the absence of a trace picture. It is proposed to use foreign experience, as well as to introduce the conduct of anthropological examination as a comprehensive examination, supplementing other studies.

One of the problems associated with the investigation of rapes, the author calls the multiplicity of the subjects of the investigation. In this regard, there is a lack of coordinated activity between the groups, a lack of a regulatory framework for delimiting the powers of each of the groups, a lack of a system of interaction between groups of investigation subjects, and a mixed jurisdiction, that is, rape is investigated as a violation of both domestic and international legislation.

Rapes in the liberated territories can be investigated according to the principle of crimes of past years, based on a similar trace picture. But there are certain differences: the process of establishing the truth is complicated by the commission of crimes by a citizen of another state, the death of such a person as a result of military operations, the death of the victim, and the absence of any evidence that would testify to the involvement of a specific person in the commission of a crime.

The author indicated that the places where the rapes were committed are mostly the places of residence of the victims near the places of temporary deployment of Russian troops. Also, such places are places of forced illegal detention: basements, office premises, apartments, private houses. Such places can be points organization places or filtering places.

Keywords: liberated territories, evidence, proving, rape, trace picture, prosecution, forensic examinations.


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