HRYTSAI I. (2022), THE CONCEPT OF “INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSON” IN LEGAL SCIENCE AND WAYS OF ITS IMPROVEMENT; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affair, Special Issue №2, 127-132

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-127-132


ABSTRACT. The article deals with the study of the concept of “internally displaced person” in the legislation of Ukraine and international legal acts. The theoretical and legal approaches to the concept of “internally displaced person” were studied, its relationship with other related categories was characterized.

The article draws attention to the fact that the study of the concept of “internally displaced person”, on the one hand, has a practical meaning, firstly, the specified legal category must comply with the norms of international law and be consistent with the legislation of the EU countries, secondly, the correctness of the formulation of this concept determines the peculiarities of the legal status of internally displaced persons in the state, their legal and social protection and prevention of abuse of rights. It is concluded that the concept of “internally displaced person” existing in the legislation of Ukraine fully corresponds to the terminology established in international law. Attention is drawn to the fact that this concept should be distinguished from related legal categories found in the norms of international law (refugees, a person in need of additional or temporary protection).

It has been noted that internally displaced persons are persons who have been forcibly resettled between countries for the reasons of avoiding the negative consequences of armed conflict, temporary occupation, widespread manifestations of violence, violations of human rights and emergency situations of a natural or man-made nature, and it is this definition that characterizes the peculiarities of their legal position in our state. Proposals for amendments to the legislation regarding the unified use of the term “internally displaced person” are being formulated. It is noted that the main criteria that characterize and distinguish the concept of “internally displaced person” from related legal categories are the mandatory presence of a person on the territory of the country and the reasons that forced the person to leave his permanent place of residence.

Keywords: internally displaced person, migrant, refugees, concept, terminology, legislation, status of an internally displaced person.


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