YADLOVSKA O. (2022), FEATURES OF THE MIGRATION WAVE OF UKRAINIAN EVACUEES IN 2022 AS A RESULT OF THE MILITARY AGGRESSION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affair, Special Issue №2, 188-203

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-188-203


ABSTRACT. The article reveals the peculiarities of the migration wave of Ukrainians to European countries as a result of the military aggression of the Russian Federation during 2022 in the context of demographic changes and social problems. The study points out the difficulty of determining by the Ukrainian authorities the real number of citizens of Ukraine who left the country to escape the war. It is emphasized that the main array of data regarding Ukrainian refugees is the constant monitoring of the United Nations Refugee Agency. It has been observed that the objective number of Ukrainian migrants is also provided by the governments of the countries where the migrants are located, through the registration and further accounting of persons who have received the status of temporary protection and the fixation of border crossings both with Ukraine and through the borders of countries with which Ukraine does not border. The study analyzed the main aspects of the manifestation of social problems related to Ukrainian refugees in Europe. It is emphasized that Ukrainian refugees are considered as a labor resource and as a factor in solving certain demographic problems in the European region. In general, it has been observed that the migration of Ukrainians in 2022 is the largest since the end of the 20th century. and to this day, at the same time, Ukrainian refugees are integrating into society much faster than the migrants of 2015-2016.

The conducted research provides grounds for the conclusion that the consequences of the migration wave of 2022 are already being considered due to the problem of a catastrophic demographic crisis in Ukraine itself, taking into account the largest outflow of the population. Emphasis is placed on the need to create conditions for the return of Ukrainians and the corresponding initiatives of the Ukrainian government and authorities.

Keywords: migration, Ukrainian migrants, refugees, military refugees, labor migration, military aggression, migration crisis, demographic crisis, UN, United Nations Refugee Agency, European Union, Ukraine.


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