LAVRENKO D. (2022), THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LEGAL TECHNIQUES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY AND THE STATE; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affair, Special Issue №2, 204-209

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-204-209


ABSTRACT. The scientific article is devoted to the study of general theoretical aspects of the “legal technique” category, which is due to the problem of improving modern Ukrainian legislation and bringing it to the requirements of international standards. The issue of the active development of the legal system of Ukraine, as well as the impact of globalization and integration processes on it, as well as the updating of the content of some state-legal phenomena, which actualizes the improvement of rule-making and law enforcement activities, has been determined. Taking into account the analysis of the degree of effectiveness and quality of legal technology in modern conditions, it should be noted the lack of sufficient scientific developments in this matter among legal scholars in modern legal science. The problem of studying and analyzing the essence of legal technique has increased interest among scientists of various legal fields, and also plays a great role in the improvement of law-making as a whole.

The main principles of the theory and practice of applying legal techniques and technology are highlighted. It has been found that legal technique is a theoretical and applied legal science, the subject of which is the study of regularities of rational legal activity in the creation, interpretation and implementation of law. Legal technology is defined as resource-secured complex legal activity, which includes a system of logically interconnected operations, determined by the level of development of the legal system of society. It is substantiated that the prerequisites and means of ensuring the proper legal, technical and technological level of normative legal acts include: development and legislative consolidation of requirements and rules of legal equipment and technology; development of complex forecasting and planning acts regarding the development of legislation.

Keywords: legal technique, technology, normative legal act, legal system, law-making.


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