SHELEVER N. (2022), THE CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLE OF JUSTICE AS THE BASIS OF HUMAN RIGHTS; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affair, Special Issue №2, 293-297

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-293-297


ABSTRACT. In the article, the author examines the fundamental principle of law – the principle of justice, which is the basis of human rights. The principle of justice can be understood precisely throught the concept of human rights. Attention is drawn to the fact that although the Constitution of Ukraine does not have a norm that directly enshrines the principle of justice, the characteristic of our state as a social one already indicates that the Fundamental Law of Ukraine establishes this principle. In connection with Ukraine’s desire to become a full member of the EU, the implementation of this principle serves as a relevant issue today.

Therefore, the author set himself the goal of researching the constitutional principle of justice, which plays the main role in the sphere of observance of human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests. Although the problem of justice and human rights has been of interest to mankind since ancient times, the author tries to reveal the current state of this problem in the article. Attention is focused on the fact that it is in the nature of a person that his desire for justice is embedded. Human rights are inextricably linked to the principle of justice and their implementation is closely related to it. In the article, the author draws attention to the fact that the constitutional principle of justice extends to people’s legal obligations, since the exercise of rights and freedoms is inseparable from the citizen’s fulfillment of his duties.

The restriction of human rights is considered as an extreme necessity to protect the rights of other people. The task of the courts is to establish the principle of justice and protect human rights. In the article, the author analyzed the decision of the HUDOC in the case of the former anti-corruption prosecutor of Romania, Laura Kovesi. It is concluded that justice is closely related to the constitutional rights of a person, which belong to him from birth and are the basis of the legal status of an individual, and the violation of such rights leads to injustice.

Keywords: Constitution of Ukraine, courts, justice, ECtHR, state, human rights and freedoms, law.


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