Karina KALIUGA, Volodymyr ZUBKO

KALIUGA K., ZUBKO V. (2022), CONCERNING THE INTEGRATION PROCESSES IN FORENSIC SCIENCES DURING WARTIME IN UKRAINE; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affair, Special Issue №2, 352-359

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-352-359


ABSTRACT. The article analyzes promising directions for the improvement of technical and forensic means in the practical activity of law enforcement agencies. And also the factors related to it. The stages of the development of criminology, the periods of its formation and recognition, scientific and practical tasks at its various stages are studied; definition of the main terminology of the topic; provisions that arise in connection with its development, with the improvement of its cognitive capabilities, methods and means of solving practical tasks, that is, relations characteristic of the process of integration of the achievements of other sciences in criminology, etc.

The conclusions emphasize that criminology is traditionally at the forefront of combating crime (including during wartime). This science accumulates new products of world scientific thought, which must be used in the investigation and solving of crimes. Thanks to the scientific developments of forensics, techniques and means of working with evidentiary information are improved,
it is this that provides the impetus for rethinking the latest ideas and achievements of any scientific concept for the purpose of their use in law enforcement and judicial activities. Forensics today must quickly respond to all the challenges of the practice of uncovering and investigating crimes, taking into account modern realities.

It is noted that the use of science and technology in the detection and investigation of crimes is a problem that was and remains one of the key ones. This problem was noticeably actualized in the conditions of scientific and technical progress during wartime, the achievements of which are equally used by people who strive for noble, socially significant goals and those who pursue criminal interests. And it acquires special acuteness precisely at the “turning” stages of the development of society, in the conditions of crisis situations, the formation of new socio-economic relations. In the context of the above, it should be considered extremely important to study the patterns of integration of the achievements of science and technology into forensic theory, investigative, expert and judicial practice, scientific knowledge of the system itself, the mechanism of formation of means and methods of crime detection and investigation.

Keywords: wartime, criminology, integration, process, achievements, natural sciences, technical sciences.


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