PAVLOVICH-SENETА Y., DIDYK N. (2022), ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL SECURITY OF EXTRAORDINARY ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL REGIMES IN UKRAINE; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affair, Special Issue №2, 518-523

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-518-523


ABSTRACT. The article analyzes the legal foundations and organizational support of emergency administrative and legal regimes in Ukraine. On the basis of modern scientific research, the concept of administrative-legal regime is revealed as a special order of legal regulation aimed at overcoming or preventing negative phenomena in the relevant sphere of public administration or the state as a whole. In addition, a feature of extraordinary administrative-legal regimes is a special procedure for the emergence and formation of the content of the rights and obligations of participants in administrative-legal relations. It is noted that the grounds for the introduction of emergency administrative and legal regimes are extreme situations of a military, socio-political, man made and natural, sanitary-epidemiological or other nature. It has been established that the current Ukrainian legislation provides for the following types of emergency administrative and legal regimes: martial law, state of emergency, environmental emergency, anti-terrorist operation regime. The content of the key elements underlying each of the extraordinary administrative and legal regimes is characterized. In particular, the purpose of establishment, the imperative method of legal regulation, a set of regime rules of conduct, special bodies of public administration entrusted with the task of implementing the measures of the relevant regime, responsibility for violation of regime rules, special administrative and legal means of establishing the rights and obligations of participants in administrative legal relations, a special procedure for the circulation of public information in the conditions of extraordinary administrative-legal regimes, establishing the spatial and temporal framework of the administrative-legal regime.

Keywords: responsibility, military administration, martial law, legal regime measures, environmental emergency, state of emergency, negative phenomena, restrictions, human rights.


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