LUTSENKO I. (2022), ANALYSIS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS LEVEL OF STUDENTS OF SPECIALTY 262 «LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES»; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affair, Special Issue №2, 548-554

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-548-554


ABSTRACT. In the article, a theoretical analysis of scientific and educational-methodical literature related to the direction of research is carried out.

The author states that in recent years there has been a negative trend in the quantity and quality of the educational process in the discipline “Physical Education”. One of the factors that contributed to this process was the cancellation in December, 2019 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “On approval of the Regulation on the organization of physical education and mass sports in higher educational institutions” of January 11, 2006. In practice, due to a certain autonomy of educational institutions and the absence of a regulatory normative document, the management of educational institutions has the right to make decisions regarding the amount of study hours in one or another discipline. Under such circumstances, physical education mostly remains with a minimum or no educational load at all.

The results of a pedagogical experiment on the comparative analysis of the level of physical fitness of first-year students of the University of Customs and Finance, specialty 262 «Law enforcement» for the years 2020-2022 are presented, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process (online, offline training due to quarantine and martial law). The dependence between the decrease in specially organized motor activity and the deterioration of the level of physical fitness of student youth, in particular future law enforcement officers, has been scientifically substantiated.

We see a wide range of issues as prospects for further research, including: conducting a more detailed analysis of students’ motivations and interest in physical exercises during school and extracurricular hours; development and implementation of self-study methods for students of specialty 262 “Law enforcement activity” in order to maintain a sufficient level of physical fitness in the long term; conducting additional studies of indicators of physical development and functional state of students, etc

Keywords: physical education, health, motor activity, level of physical fitness, law enforcement officer, institution of higher education.


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