BILICHENKO V. (2022), PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSISTANCE TO OVERCOME CONSEQUENCES OF MARITAL LAW; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affair, Special Issue №2, 567-571

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-567-571


ABSTRACT. The scientific work examines the issue of organizing psychological assistance to various segments of the population in order to overcome the consequences of the crisis situation in Ukraine, as a result of the military invasion of the russian federation and the introduction of martial law in Ukraine.

Constant notifications about air raids, probable missile strikes, worries for relatives, social and everyday problems associated with leaving a permanent place of residence are the reasons for the violation of people’s psychological health. Under such conditions, the role of psychological preparedness of police officers in order to provide psychological and socio-pedagogical support to persons who need it significantly increases. The main directions of self-control by psychological state are presented. Attention is focused on the general provisions and principles of psychological rehabilitation.

The author has concluded that the performance of professional duties by police officers in the territories of hostilities has a negative effect on the internal morale, therefore, the ability to exercise self-control, as well as to provide psychological assistance to persons who need it, will allow to more effectively deal with the consequences of psychological stress. Therefore, for the purpose of self-organization, a police officer should follow a certain algorithm of behavior, which includes: communication with like-minded people (colleagues, relatives) – this will help overcome negative emotions and distraction. It is necessary to avoid an inactive state of experiences, to strive for productivity. You need to make a plan for the next day, week, month. It is necessary to take care of your sleep hygiene (fall asleep before midnight, do not read the news before going to bed). It is recommended to limit the circle of communication with people who negatively affect your moral and psychological state.

Keywords: psychological help, police officer, physical exercises, combat actions, stress.


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