ROGALSKIY V. (2022), USE OF A SPECIALIZED OBSTACLE LANE AS AN INTEGRAL ELEMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING OF FUTURE POLICE OFFICERS; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affair, Special Issue №2, 571-574

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-571-574


ABSTRACT. The article examines the problem of using a specialized obstacle course as an integral element of physical education and training of future police officers. In the conditions of the existing danger caused by the military invasion of the territory of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, the official activity of law enforcement officers requires improvement more than ever by conducting theoretical and practical classes aimed at consolidating the skills and abilities of action in extreme conditions. A sharp increase in the level of crime, as well as the need for constant control by the police of public order and security, determines their selection and training. Special physical training is one of the leading disciplines, the results of which can determine the official competence of a particular police officer. I would like to dwell on the issues that reveal the need to use a special obstacle course during the physical education and training of future police officers.

In order to effectively protect public safety and order, modern Ukrainian society requires the employees of the National Police of Ukraine to have sufficient official competence, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ensure high professional training of the relevant employees. At the legislative level, it is established that a police officer is a representative of the state who comes to the aid of anyone who needs it, against whom a criminal offense or other offense has been committed. In view of this, it is necessary to implement such standards for police officers, which are accepted at the global and European levels. By using a specialized obstacle course during the training of cadets, it is possible to simulate extreme situations that will occur during the service of future police officers, intensifying stress phenomena, psychological tension, negative emotional stress, loss of orientation in space, reduced work capacity, etc.

Keywords: cadets, policemen, physical training, obstacle course, physical indicators.


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