MALYSHKO S. (2022), FACTORS AFFECTING THE FULFILLMENT OF THE LEGAL OBLIGATION OF MAJOR CHILDREN TO TAKE CARE OF THEIR INCAPABLE PARENTS; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affair, Special Issue №2, 598-604

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-598-604


ABSTRACT. The article clarifies the list of factors that significantly affect the fulfillment of the constitutional obligation of adult children to take care of their disabled parents and their characteristics are carried out.

It was established that the factors, in the context of the studied legal obligation, must be understood as conditions, reasons and driving forces that influence the obligated subjects of legal relations and as a result lead to the implementation or non-implementation of appropriate (necessary) behavior.

Based on the results of the study, the following factors influencing the fulfillment of the legal obligation of adult children to take care of their disabled parents were identified: a) legal (national legislation of Ukraine, judicial practice of its interpretation and application, legal responsibility for improper fulfillment of the obligation); b) economic (economic situation in the state, unemployment rate, inflation); c) military and security (armed aggression against Ukraine, introduction of martial law or state of emergency); d) socio-political (social policy of the state and/or local self-government bodies regarding the creation and operation of state and municipal homes for the elderly and/or persons with disabilities, provision of subsidies and material and financial assistance to the elderly); e) ideological (level of legal awareness and legal culture, moral and religious education); f) institutional (public authorities, their officials and officials, whose powers include ensuring the fulfillment of the legal obligation to care for disabled parents, as well as institutions of higher education, labor groups, public associations); g) demographic (the ratio of the number of persons of working age and retirement age, the birth rate in the country).

Keywords: factors, legal factors, economic factors, socio-political factors, ideological factors, institutional factors, demographic factors.


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