MELNYCHENKO I. (2022), SEXUAL VIOLENCE RELATED TO THE ARMED CONFLICT IN UKRAINE AS A FORM OF DISCRIMINATION BASED ON GENDER; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affair, Special Issue №2, 605-609

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-605-609


ABSTRACT. In the article, the author conducts a study of sexual violence associated with the armed conflict in Ukraine through the optics of discrimination based on gender. It is noted that discrimination against women violates the principle of equality and respect for human dignity. Taking into account the vulnerability of women during armed conflicts, international law provides increased guarantees of protection, given the violent nature of conflicts. In particular, the Geneva Conventions and additional protocols to them indicate that women need special protection from any violation of their honor, especially such as rape, forced prostitution, forced sterilization, sexual slavery or any other form of violation of their morality. Women are mostly victims of rape, abuse, human trafficking, harassment, sexual slavery, etc. Such a situation creates a state of danger not only for the population of a separate country on the territory of which an armed conflict is taking place.

The study of cases of abuse of women in Ukraine during the armed conflict shows that the prejudiced, hateful and aggressive attitude towards Ukrainians on the part of Russian citizens did not arise suddenly. It was formed for quite a long time under the influence of Russian propaganda methods of influencing consciousness and world perception.

Discrimination based on gender, being a violation of human rights, is both a cause and a consequence of sexual violence associated with the armed conflict in Ukraine. Prospective questions for the law enforcement system regarding the prevention of the phenomenon under study remain: 1) detection of cases of sexual violence related to the armed conflict, formation of a qualitative evidence base; 2) ensuring effective investigation and prosecution of conflict-related sexual violence; 3) correct, balanced treatment of victims and witnesses of sexual violence related to the armed conflict in order to prevent re-traumatization; 4) provision of all necessary assistance (material, medical, legal, psychological).

Keywords: sexual violence related to armed conflict, armed aggression, discrimination, gender, sex.


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