MEDYTSKYI I. (2023), CRIMINOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE CONSEQUENCES (LOSSES) OF ARMED AGGRESSION AGAINST UKRAINE, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 1, 52-59

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-52-59


ABSTRACT. The purpose of the study is to outline the extent of the consequences of the armed aggression against Ukraine in the socio-humanitarian, economic and environmental spheres. The author states that the top leadership of the aggressor state, as well as the direct perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity, committed the following: mass killings of civilians; creation of conditions aimed at their complete or partial destruction; forced deportation; destruction of the economic potential of the state. The author emphasizes the complexity of the task of establishing the scope of the consequences of the armed aggression against Ukraine, given the ongoing nature of the data obtained, the dispersion or lack of effective calculation methods, and other objective and subjective factors.

The author proposes to combine the areas of damage and loss assessment in Ukraine into humanitarian, economic, military, law enforcement, environmental, cultural and religious ones. The author details the socio-humanitarian and economic consequences of the armed aggression due to a decrease in the vital potential of Ukraine, an increase in the number of internally displaced persons and refugees, a projected decrease in the country’s gross domestic product, and losses in the social (destruction of housing, healthcare facilities, cultural facilities, and educational infrastructure) and productive (losses to the assets of enterprises, retail trade, land and agriculture, and municipal infrastructure) sectors. The environmental and ecological consequences of armed aggression are detailed by: damage to the nature reserve fund; land and water resources; emissions of hazardous substances into the atmosphere; loss of forests; damage to infrastructure and industrial facilities.

Keywords: armed aggression, international crimes, consequences, damage, refugees, internally displaced persons, environment.


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