MUZA O. (2023), THE ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR ENSURING ENERGY SECURITY OF UKRAINE UNDER MARTIAL LAW, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 1, 60-66

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-60-66


ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to one of the important objects of national security – energy security. It is determined that energy security has not received special legal regulation in the legislation of Ukraine on national security, which indicates the need for the legislator to create additional legal mechanisms to determine the procedure for implementing the state policy in the energy sector and ensuring its stability and efficiency, especially under martial law.

It’s drawn the attention to the objectives of legal regulation of energy security: 1) ensuring the transparent functioning of energy markets; 2) regulation the tasks and powers of various public authorities in the sphere of energy security; 3) introducing preferential tax regimes for the supply of technologies for energy needs; 4) approximating national legislation to EU energy law; 5) strengthening criminal liability for physical attacks, sabotage aimed at disabling or damaging the operation of operating systems or systems for ensuring the physical security of critical infrastructures.

The institutional mechanisms for ensuring energy security should include: 1) continuous planning of the energy sector development; 2) coordination of energy policy with other state policies; 3) elimination of administrative influence on energy market participants, except for supervision over compliance with antitrust and competition legislation; 4) implementation of measures to improve energy efficiency; 5) creation of conditions for the development of technological innovations in the sphere of energy infrastructure; 6) strengthening of coordination between the entities of the energy sector management system; 7) increase of efficiency of prevention of disasters; 8) overcoming the personnel shortage of energy market participants and introducing educational programs for advanced training or retraining of personnel; 9) development of public-private partnerships in the sphere of energy security.

It’s concluded that the organizational and legal framework for ensuring energy security under martial law includes general and temporary provisions of legal regulation and institutional mechanisms for the protection of critical infrastructure.

Keywords: energy security, national security, critical infrastructure, risks, institutional mechanisms.


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