LAZAREVA D. (2023), INTERNATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY OF STATES, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 1, 108-113

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-108-113


ABSTRACT. The article examines the institution of international responsibility of states and its impact on the protection and protection of the rights and interests of the state, society and individual citizens, as well as the need to improve its individual provisions, taking into account their triviality. Particular attention has been paid to the compensation of damage, the appointment of an appropriate punishment and the restoration of the violated interest.

Based on the analysis of numerous theoretical studies and situational models, the effectiveness of the existing mechanisms of bringing states to international responsibility was found to be low. The author emphasized the fact that modern society needs fundamentally new procedures for bringing to international responsibility, because previously created in practice proved their inability to resolve interstate conflicts.

The issue of international responsibility of states in the light of recent events on the political map of the world has become extremely relevant. This necessitates conducting a polemic regarding the fundamental foundations of this responsibility. When starting the study of the relevant legal literature on this topic, one should emphasize that the phenomenon of international responsibility of states was not at the epicenter of international law topics for a long time. Nevertheless, it should occupy leading positions.

Keywords: international responsibility of states, international law, International Law Commission, compensation for damages, sanctions against the perpetrator of an illegal act, optimization of bringing states to justice.


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