PRYPUTEN D. (2023), ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL REGULATION OF INFORMATION SECURITY OF COURT ACTIVITIES, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 1, 144-149

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-144-149


ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the study of the current state of administrative and legal regulation of the information provision of courts, highlighting the problems in this area and proposing ways to solve them. The article notes that it is precisely thanks to the information provision of courts that today the administration of justice is carried out by the courts of Ukraine, and the implementation of such an important judicial principle as transparency and openness is ensured. It is indicated that thanks to the existing system of information provision of the courts, the participants in the court process can apply to the court, get the necessary information about the progress of the case without coming to the court, and the court will consider the case in a reasonable time and make a legal and justified decision. Statistical indicators are given regarding the forms of use of information resources by courts during the administration of justice. It is indicated that proper administrative and legal regulation of the information provision of courts contributes to the normal functioning of courts in modern conditions of war and ensures the administration of justice in our country. It is suggested that the administrative-legal regulation of the information support of courts should be understood as a set of legal acts that regulate the grounds and procedure for the administration of justice in an electronic way, regulate the activities of authorized subjects and the functioning of automated information systems in order to ensure the activity of courts in the consideration and resolution of various categories of cases. The article emphasizes that the creation of an effective system of information support for the activity of courts is a guarantee of the effectiveness of their functioning, the continuity and efficiency of the administration of justice, adhering to the principles of the rule of law, transparency and openness, and the reasonableness of the terms of consideration of cases. It is indicated that the spread of information and telecommunication technologies causes the existence of many problematic issues. In order to solve them, it is necessary to take into account foreign experience and best foreign practices.

Keywords: administrative and legal regulation, provision, information, information provision, courts, justice.


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