Maksym SHPAK

SHPAK M. (2023), FEATURES OF LEGAL AID IN CIVIL PROCESS AT THE STAGE OF CONSIDERATION OF CIVIL CASES IN COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 1, 185-189

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-185-189


ABSTRACT. In the scientific article examines the problem of legal aid in civil proceedings at the stage of consideration of civil cases in courts of first instance. The author emphasizes for the present time problem legal aid in civil process in courts of first instance stays open.

In the scientific work stressed problem legal aid in civil process during the last years enough active is interested by scientists, processualists and legal practitioners. Through existence and realization legal aid in courts of first instance in civil process much more groups of people may with a greater probability to protect their procedural and (or) material rights.

In courts of first instance in civil process lawyer providing various types legal aid (including professional legal) directed to assist in the maximum it is possible to protected interests of the client. In a scientific article paid attention what legal aid in the civil process of Ukraine in courts of first instance is important and effective. Participation lawyers in courts of first instance enlarge possibility getting high quality legal support and help in creation and sending to court documents in cases of claim, injunction and separate proceedings depending from categories of civil cases.

In this scientific article author paid attention to court practice from the researched question and ideas which are in the text in draft law № 7473-d (from 09.08.2022) in aspect potential perspectives improvement of Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine. Concerning perspectives future researchs about questions legal aid in courts of first instance on civil justice (process) they are next: Europeanization of the Ukrainian civil process; improving the quality of domestic civil justice; implementation the best international experience activities of lawyers in this cases.

Keywords: legal aid, court of first instance, civil process, civil justice, consideration of civil cases.


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