BEREZNIAK V. (2023), PREVENTION OF FRAUD ON THE INTERNET, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 1, 190-196

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-190-196


ABSTRACT. The Internet today is the largest information and telecommunication system, as it contains information of various levels and fields of knowledge, creates an opportunity for the emergence of contractual obligations, employment, provision of services or performance of works, etc. Despite the fact that this network has systems to protect against wrongdoing by criminals, it is still vulnerable and requires measures to be taken by the relevant actors to prevent criminal offenses in the network.

The scientific article names and analyzes the most common ways of committing fraud on the Internet. The author examines countermeasures against these criminal offenses, taking into account the existing units of the National Police and current legislation. The study represenrs official statistical data that provide an opportunity to independently draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of existing measures to combat fraud on the Internet and the need to determine other strategic directions for its prevention.

Taking into account the statistics of cases of fraud on the Internet, the author found insufficient effectiveness of prevention measures. During the research, he found out that the range of these measures is quite wide. In this case, a paradox is observed: with a significant number of preventive measures, computer criminal offenses do not decrease, and in some places their number increases. This can be explained by the specifics of the tools with which they are committed, because there is a problem in determining the mechanism of committing a criminal offense, identifying, recording and collecting evidence. In view of the above, the question arises about interaction between services and units in order to bring offenders to criminal responsibility, because cases of unsolved fraud, unfortunately, are not an exception in the modern practice of the National Police. The key body in solving computer criminal offenses is the Cyber Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine, whose competence includes the formation and implementation of state policy on the prevention and counteraction of criminal offenses committed with the help of electronic computing machines (computers), systems and computers computer networks, as well as telecommunication networks, by studying the mechanism of their preparation, execution or concealment.

Keywords: fraud, prevention, counteraction, Internet, measures.


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