Yurii OREL

OREL Y. (2023), CONCERNING THE FEASIBILITY OF IMPLEMENTING AN EXPERIMENT ON THE CORRECTION AND RESOCIALIZATION OF CONVICTS, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 1, 203-209

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-203-209


ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the study of issues of correction and resocialization of convicts serving a sentence of imprisonment for a certain period. It is indicated the need to draw attention to this process on the part of the state, scientists and practical workers, as well as the expediency of introducing an experiment on the correction and resocialization of convicts by organizing and implementing new approaches to the process of execution and serving their punishment.

It is claimed that the existing conditions and order of execution and serving of punishment are built without taking into account the personal and psychological characteristics of the criminal. In addition, the environment and life in correctional colonies, the nature of the relationship between convicts and the staff of the institution of punishment, do not contribute to the process of correction and resocialization of convicts, therefore it needs improvement.

It is proposed to create a new type of penal institution that would combine the elements of a correctional colony and a correctional center, in which those who sincerely wish to reform and become a full-fledged member of society, a law-abiding citizen, would be kept according to their personal desire. The stay of convicts in such institutions will be voluntary, but with the mandatory involvement of them in work.

According to the conditions of the experiment, all the necessary conditions will be created for the convicts for the comprehensive development of their personality, the satisfaction of their social and everyday needs. The regime in such a colony will be as close as possible and minimize the difference between living conditions in it and in freedom. On the other hand, the convicts will be subject to increased requirements for their behavior, their compliance with the norms of the current legislation, the established order of execution and serving of the sentence, the rules of cohabitation with other convicts.

Attention is focused on the need to create such conditions for serving the sentence, which would guarantee the inviolability of the convict’s life and health, would ensure his personal safety.

Keywords: correction, resocialization, imprisonment, sentenced, correctional colony, labor.


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