POCHTOVYI M. (2023), CRIMINAL-LEGAL PROTECTION OF THE HONOR AND DIGNITY OF THE PERSON IN THE LEGISLATION OF UKRAINE, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 1, 210-215

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-210-215


ABSTRACT. The article analyzes the current Criminal Code of Ukraine for the presence of elements of criminal offenses that have the honor and/or dignity of a person as the main direct object or an additional direct mandatory object.

Before the entry into force of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in 2001, defamation and insult were recognized as criminal offenses against the honor and dignity of a person. Chapter III «Criminal Offenses Against the Will, Honor and Dignity of a Person» of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine currently does not contain criminal offenses that have as the main direct object or an additional direct mandatory object the honor and/or dignity of a person. The main legal mechanism for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation is currently civil legal means. However, statistical data and analysis of judicial practice regarding the consideration of cases on refutation of false information, protection of honor, dignity, and compensation for moral damage testify to the insignificant effectiveness of such measures.

On the territory of Ukraine, there are disputes about the feasibility of criminalizing slander and insults. The main argument «against» is that such criminalization will lead to pressure on freedom of expression in the country. Certain forms of defamation and insults are already criminalized in various sections of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in the presence of certain aggravating circumstances. We propose to use this approach in the future when solving issues of criminalization of various forms and types of these acts. From the title of Chapter III of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, we propose to exclude the comma and the words «honor and dignity».

Keywords: honor, dignity, slander, insult, criminal responsibility, criminal offense.


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