KHRYSTOVA Y. (2023), STATE OF SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT OF PROBLEMS OF CRIMINOLOGY PROTECTION OF JUDGES IN UKRAINE, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 1, 233-239

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-233-239


ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to highlighting the state of scientific development of the problems of criminological protection of justice in Ukraine, including by the bodies and units of the National Police. As a result of the analysis and systematization of monographic studies and other scientific works on the problems of criminological protection of justice in Ukraine, the following conclusions were obtained:

1. During the years of Ukraine’s independence, there are no comprehensive monographic studies of the problems of criminological protection of justice in Ukraine.

2. Currently, there is no paradigm that should be the basis for the modern concept of criminological protection of justice in Ukraine. Modern scientific research does not reveal the real state, conditions and effectiveness of criminological protection of justice in Ukraine, no adequate scientifically based proposals have been formulated to increase the effectiveness of its provision, including in conditions of martial law, taking into account the development of the forms and methods of work of its subjects.

3. In legal scientific literature, justice as an object of criminological protection is considered conditionally, that is, there is no clear doctrinal interpretation of the categories «justice» and «criminological protection»: there is no understanding of the content and elements of justice as an object of criminological protection; the form, content and measures of criminological influence on threats to justice are not defined.

4. Both in criminology and in the practical activity of law enforcement agencies, there is no comprehensive approach to defining the system of entities that provide criminological protection of justice in Ukraine.

5. There is a lack of scientific research on the specification of the legal provision of criminological protection of justice in modern conditions.

6. Currently, there is a lack of research on foreign experience in criminological protection of the justice system against illegal encroachments.

Keywords: defense of justice, criminological defense, monographic research, scientific novelty, scientific elaboration of the problem, scientific conclusion, scientific result, justice.


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