ZAKHARKO A. (2023), SHORTCOMINGS IN THE REGULATION OF GROUNDS FOR CLOSING CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 1, 275-281

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-275-281


ABSTRACT. A systematic analysis of the content of the reasons for closing criminal proceedings was carried out. Deficiencies in the regulation of grounds for closing criminal proceedings are highlighted, in particular:

1) unjustified repetition of legal norms: two paragraphs 3-1) in paragraphs 5 and 7 of part 1 of Article 284 of the Criminal Procedure Code;

2) the incorrectness of the provision of paragraph 5, part 1, article 284 of the Criminal Procedural Code «the suspect, the accused, the person in respect of whom sufficient evidence has been collected to report the suspicion of committing a criminal offense, but the suspicion in connection with her death has not been reported, except cases, if the proceedings are necessary for the rehabilitation of the deceased». This incorrectness consists in the fact that the given clause of the law supposedly provides for the possibility of rehabilitation of a person in respect of whom sufficient evidence has been collected to report suspicion of committing a criminal offense, but no suspicion has been reported in connection with his death, while in fact in a criminal case the procedural law of Ukraine does not have legal norms that would provide for such rehabilitation;

3) in the presentation of paragraph 9-1 part 1 of article 284 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the prejudicial nature of paragraph 4-1 part 1 of article 284 of the Criminal Procedure Code «lost the validity of the law establishing the criminal illegality of the act» was ignored;

4) the coherence and logical sequence in the provision of part 9 of Article 284 of the Criminal Procedure Code when referring to Article 219 of the Criminal Procedure Code is violated, which consists in incorrectly defining the part that regulates the term of pre-trial investigation in Article 219 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

Proposals regarding the optimization of the content of the provisions of Article 284 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine are substantiated.

Keywords: grounds for closing criminal proceedings, quality of regulation of the grounds, repetition of legal provisions, legal fiction, coherence and logical sequence of legal provisions.


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