Oleksandr KHRYSTOV

KHRYSTOV O. (2023), FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF LEGAL REGULATION OF THE USE OF THE PUBLIC BY THE CRIMINAL POLICE DURING THE FIGHTING OF CRIME; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 1, 299-309

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-299-309


ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the study and generalization of the positive foreign experience of legal regulation and organization of the use of the public by the criminal police during the fight against crime. According to the results of the study of regulatory legal acts and scientific works of foreign scientists, the conclusion that all categories of persons who provide information about criminal offenses or about persons who commit or prepare them, as well as assist criminal police units in the performance of tasks related to combating crime, are justified to members of the public, with the exception of freelance agents and persons facilitating the implementation of such activities under the terms of an agreement in criminal proceedings or other legal conditions that allow these persons to avoid or mitigate criminal liability.

It has been established that the conduct of overt and undercover activities (investigative actions) with the use of members of the public by criminal police units is regulated by criminal procedural codes, laws on the police, on criminal intelligence, on countering crime both as a whole and in separate areas, as well as instructions, directives, regulations.

The laws of the member states of the European Union on the use and protection of the rights of whistleblowers were analyzed (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden). It has been established that one of the promising directions for improving the legal basis for the use of the public by the criminal police during the fight against crime is the introduction of whistleblower programs similar to foreign ones. The priority areas for improvement of the regulatory and legal framework in Ukraine in areas of countering crime are proposed, namely regarding countering: criminal offenses of a general criminal orientation; a criminal offense of economic orientation; a criminal offense in cyberspace; organized and transnational crime; a criminal offense in the field of illegal drug trafficking, weapons, human trafficking, etc.

It is proposed to introduce in Ukraine the practice of concluding agreements on police cooperation with public (volunteer) organizations

The expediency of borrowing foreign experience in involving members of the public to identify persons and facts of operational interest, as well as recording their criminally illegal actions (documentation of criminal activity) based on the crowdsourcing model, the concept of which must be foreseen in the crime prevention strategy, is substantiated. It was established that such a model of tripartite relations is «win-win-win» for all parties and requires appropriate regulatory and legal regulation.

Keywords: whistleblower, public whistleblower, crowdsourcing, regulatory act, crime prevention.


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