DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-355-363


ABSTRACT. The article explores the self-esteem of the level of physical fitness for the chosen specialty, motivational priorities in the choice of sports, the regime of weekly physical activity of cadets of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. A contradiction has been established between the objective need for cadets to study a significant amount of information in a short time, with the solution of problems to improve the level of physical fitness, the development of professionally significant motor qualities, and the observance of healthy lifestyle factors.

The priority motives during the recreational physical activity of cadets are not preparation for future professional activities, but improvement of health, improvement of body shape, reduction of excess weight, active rest, communication with friends. Physical education classes of cadets of II and IY courses are not systemic in nature, without the necessary aerobic exercise, requires correction, development of special programs and complexes for the development of the muscles of the eye, hands of the fingers, forearm, neck, foot, lower leg, pelvis, spine, torso and breast-abdominal diaphragm.

The authors focused on the insufficient amount of recreational physical activity, the need for rational organization of classroom and extracurricular activities with cadets (students), taking into account motivational priorities in the choice of sports, developing special programs and physical complexes for the development of professionally significant motor qualities of applicants studying in the specialty «Law». The results of the study will be used in the formation of a system of specially organized motor activity of university cadets, taking into account their psychophysiological state, which is the prospect of further research.

Keywords: cadets, physical fitness, motivational priorities, mode of physical activity.


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