KURINNYI E. (2023), ON THE COMPLETENESS OF THE REFORM OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES OF UKRAINE, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 21-28

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-21-28


ABSTRACT. The article deals with the actual problem – the characteristics of the comprehensiveness of the reform of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine.

Based on the results of the analysis of the provisions of the «Comprehensive strategic plan for the reform of law enforcement agencies as part of the security and defense sector of Ukraine for 2023-2027» approved by the Presidential Decree of May 11, 2023 No. 273/2023, some of its shortcomings have been identified, in particular, it lacks provisions relating to: an updated model of the domestic law enforcement system (at least an outline of its contours); the need to preserve the military component in the activities of certain bodies (for example, the National Police of Ukraine and the SBU); directions and limits of cooperation with the block of anti-corruption structures (NABU, SAP, NAZK, ARMA); unified personnel policy (training of personnel and their guaranteed social security and protection); expediency of separating pre-trial investigation units into a new law enforcement institution, etc.

It is emphasized that for the proper implementation of the measures provided for in this document, it is necessary to observe not one (as recorded in the Plan), but three levels of complexity. The first concerns reforming not only law enforcement agencies that are part of the security and defense sector, but also all other institutions with a similar functional focus. The second is the transformation of criminal justice, the basic component of which is the courts, as well as the state apparatus, the work of which covers the activities of all power structures, including such a key element of the specified type of justice as the courts. The third level of complexity, related to the need to replace the actually bankrupt political, socio-economic state model in Ukraine, with an effective paradigm close in its characteristics to recognized world democracies, which will ensure the timely and full realization of objectively formed public needs, courts and whose law enforcement agencies will fully comply in their activities with the principles of equality before the law and the inevitability of punishment.

Keywords: system reforms, plan, law enforcement agencies, courts, complexity, criminal justice, state apparatus.


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