PEREDERII O. (2023), PROBLEMS OF PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS IN UKRAINE; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 28-33

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-28-33


ABSTRACT. The article highlights problematic issues related to ensuring the protection of the rights of internally displaced persons. The article substantiates that an important role in the protection of the rights of internally displaced persons is played by the state and its bodies, which, according to the Constitution of Ukraine, must affirm and ensure human rights and freedoms, take measures to ensure that every person realizes the rights granted by the Constitution. The article highlights problematic issues that make it difficult for internally displaced persons to realize certain constitutional rights, outlines ways to solve them and take measures aimed at creating effective mechanisms for protecting the rights of internally displaced persons. The author draws attention to the fact that a common problem faced by internally displaced persons is the difficult ability to gain access to various types of public services (pension, education, medical services, etc.), to exercise their right to work, as well as certain civil rights. Directions for solving these problems are proposed.

The article substantiates that an important element of the mechanism for the protection of the rights of internally displaced persons should be a real opportunity for a person to appeal the decisions of state authorities, local self-governments, their officials and officials. Attention is drawn to the fact that the right to judicial protection is an important guarantee of human rights and freedoms. It is noted that the state should comprehensively promote the right of a person to challenge in court the decisions, actions or inaction of state bodies and officials. In turn, the judicial system must consider such cases, guided by the principle of the rule of law. It is concluded that all artificial obstacles in the appeal of relevant decisions by internally displaced persons should be considered illegal and as violating the obligations of our state in the field of human rights.

Keywords: rights and freedoms, principles of law, internally displaced persons, institutional mechanism, guarantees, state authorities, European integration, martial law.


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